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Here you can discover new movies with their details by frequently updated lists for Upcoming, Now Playing, Popular or Top Rated movies. In addition, you can easily search TMDb for movies. If you find a movie, you can add it to your favorites to share, or to be reminded at a particular time.

- Browse Upcoming, Now Playing, Popular, and the Top Rated movies.
- TMDb search for movies by title, person, or genre.
- Easy to discover similar movies.

- View movie details such as release date, overview, cast, crew, posters.
- Watch Trailers available directly in the app.
- Discover more with links to TMDb, IMDb, iTunes and movie website.

- Add interesting movies to your favorites.
- Share movies with your friends.
- Create a reminder, do not forget to see it.

This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.